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Electronic Units - Repair and replacement

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Repair and replacement of electronic units in Tesla vehicles must be carried out by specialized technicians.

Tesla incorporates highly complex electronic modules. We have an electronic laboratory and we carry out studies of the modules, analyzing the function of each component.

In certain cases and when technical criteria so determine, some modules can be repaired. In other cases the repair is not recommended or is too expensive due to the time it takes to do it.

We do not carry out any type of work that may invalidate guarantees or that are not within the manufacturer's service protocols.

When we carry out the EV Intelligent Report, we analyze the convenience of the repair. The module must be perfectly repaired or a change of the part will be suggested.

Some parts cannot be changed as Tesla's protocols so determine.



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ecu4 ecu3


Ultima modificacion el Miércoles, 19 de Abril de 2023 20:11
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